Facebook Mod Apk v445. [Premium Unlocked] for Android

Facebook Mod Apk v445. [Premium Unlocked] for Android

IntroductionFacebook Mod Apk is one of the most used social media platforms for all OS devices. Mark Zuckerberg founded Facebook in 2004. First of all, he launched the application by downloading their

Android Android Apps
5.0 ( 946 ratings )
Price: $0
Name Facebook
Publisher GBAPK
Genre Apps
Size 48 MB
Version v445.
Update Thursday, September 5, 2024
Facebook is the most famous version in the Facebook series of publisher
Mod Version v445.


Facebook Mod Apk is one of the most used social media platforms for all OS devices. Mark Zuckerberg founded Facebook in 2004. First of all, he launched the application by downloading their photos. In the years to come, most people have joined the demand. So, constantly, the developer team has added many features with the necessary users. Of course, Facebook is one of the most successful social networks. Most people are currently using the application. In the world, everyone has adopted Internet life. Almost all peoples in the country region have started using the network. Many years ago, substantial marketing companies have only used the internet for their work preferences. But now, most of us, parents, also use the internet and have also joined the application.

Facebook MOD APK

Facebook Mod Apk is now the popular social network for everyone. After succeeding, Mark added many features. Day by day, Facebook users increase judiciously. The team of application developers constantly updates its security, security and confidentiality network. Confidentiality is the most important for each user. Facebook has guaranteed user intimacy. Before using the application, users must save their account on the application. After managing to register, you can directly access the application. Complete the profile details to start using Facebook on your device. If you have finished the profile details, your profile is ready to be visible for all users.

Facebook MOD APK offers many advanced features for needs -based users. Here we can explore the full functionalities of the application.

In our childhood, we meet new friends at the school time. After many years, no easier to find friends from childhood. It is a delicate thing for everyone. But now, each user has integrated the Facebook MOD APK. Thus, users can type the name to find people in this application. Connect people from the world to the application. Covers not only family and friends, but the user can also explore the world of people. Also send the request for a friend to make a new affection for friendship. Yes, after sending the friend request, the user can chat directly with friends. Make a long -term cat to develop the relationship between users. Once you connect with a friend, the application calculates friendship all year round. He will remember the friendship of the years by sending a video.

Facebook MOD APK

Facebook Mod Apk offers a stories sharing function to all users. Every day, we do new things in our life. Capture the moments using a mobile camera and putting the image captured in history. Then add the background music of the integrated music store. Add all songs and music to history, and more restrictions to use music on stories. In addition, the Stickers option has activated and added the Emoji or GIF sticker in the image of the downloaded history. The stickers will explore your current mood in life. After viewing the story, at the bottom of the screen, six different emoji are available. These emojis are linked to the reaction of the human facial. Once, click on emoji, the reaction is faster the sending of the story published by the user. In a second, you can share the current moment of the world.

Not only stories, but Facebook Mod Apk also allows users to share their photos, videos and moments. Share everything to explore your current mood. In addition, the user can share moments, quotes, texts and much more in your account. Downloaded content is available in your account. Each time and any year, you can see the connection of my account. Add the story and inform your friends. Your Facebook friends can see the stories to know about your latest articles. In addition, very friends and subscribers made it possible to comment on the comments via the comments section. Each downloaded message has been assigned with similar buttons, comments and shared. These buttons work by friends and subscribers. Your friend lists users can click on the Like button to like your content published with six different emojis. Then comment the comments using the comment area. Each comment was instantly updated on messages.


If the user started the business plan, Facebook Mod Apk offers the best way to start. Of course, Facebook helps you manage the business in your home. I need to start the age of the company from this application. Create your page with the new brand. Add the additional page details, then choose the model for your page. Up to more than 10 models are available for different companies. For example, if you sell dresses and costumes, choose the model like sales. So select the appropriate model and provide the product rate. Never need to put a store in the area, the market and more. Create a page to start your own business. Invest an additional cost to promote your business and reach many peoples. Yes, the application offers a boost content function for users. Start increasing the message to reach more people over specific days.

Facebook MOD APK

Nowadays, most movie artists, musicians and most popular celebrities have joined Facebook Mod Apk. The personal account is not comfortable and not easy to use for these people. The main reason for the developer team therefore provides mainly models for celebrities. If you are a celebrity in music, choose the musician model. In addition, the application team is faster to give you a checked tick. Then your fans easier to identify your page. In addition, each manager can define the dates of their events, the special events to come, live events, etc. Publish the official versions of posters, songs, videos and more accessible on pages.


Facebook Mod Apk offers continuously unique features. The same way as the features, watch the functionality of the videos also added. In this section, the average user can watch videos like YouTube. Once the player has added a video to his official page, he appears in the Watch section. It has mainly appeared that videos are trendy in the application. So more boring videos have not recommended by demand. Once you watch the video, this video the next time does not appear in order. Scroll the video to explore more videos and endless videos appear. Some companies authorized by cinema have added their film to the page. These huge films are also ready to see the limitation time to download the video on your page. But the video protected by copyright is not allowed to be downloaded.


Nowadays, technology in hand, so everything has more accessibility to do with smartphones. If the user has planned to start a small business at home, he must sell the products by market. The construction of your market needs a sum of massive money and more time. Don’t worry. Facebook Mod Apk Help Selling your products using this store section. Add all sales items and give products to the products. Before buying a product, the buyer can facilitate contact him the seller after having a good deal to start selling with the seller. Each user can become a seller or buyer. If the user buys the store’s product, pay the amount directly in the full control section. Sellers must add the contact details of their bank account to receive Facebook money. The application supports all types of cards and transactions.

Promote business

Facebook Mod Apk offers an ADS Facebook functionality for everyone. These announcements are linked to YouTube advertisements. Most of the business and business management teams promote the company by broadcasting announcements. Specific amount required to promote your business by television advertisements. The money range depends on your audience range. If the audience beach is low, the cost of the advertising rate is also low. Not only companies promote their business. If you intend to promote your commercial products or industry, use the precious Facebook advertising system. Application has a large amount of users and millions of people watch advertisements. The advertisements of the day of day bay click and the commitment increases judiciously. This is the main reason why we recommend promoting the activities of this platform.


Young people love starting to broadcast online game videos. Most game video streamers use the YouTube platform to reach more subscribers. Not everyone likes the YouTube platform. Thus, the main reason for Facebook Mod Apk presents the game section of their game enthusiasts. From this section, each user can start broadcast live game videos. Before starting the video live, the user must start the page with a game model. Then start broadcasting the games on Facebook. Each streamer can broadcast their game video to the limitation of endless weather for live videos. When the user starts the video live, she will start to record and store on the colossal storage application. Users can watch the video at any time with better quality. Define the specific miniature to attract a new audience. Viewers can send additional donations via sending parts. In addition, game streaming channels are more accessible to eligible for monetization.


Once many users using the platform, the platform tried attacked by many pirates. Day after day, each pirate tries to hack the application database system. Some malicious software injectors are trying to inject malware to stop the application process for a few hours. Don’t worry. Facebook owner Mod Apk, Mark Zuckerberg, provides six protective layer guarantees on their servers. Every day white hats hats are constantly securing the server. Also update server safety with the latest technologies. The Facebook team spends a lot of money to protect servers from pirates. So not easier to obtain the data and accounts of each. If someone tries to connect to your account, the real user immediately obtains information by notification. If someone tries to forget the password using the mail, he must perform a two -step check. In addition, the user can define the verified device. When the user connects newly to the application on any device, the connection verification must grant access to your device also verified the telephone number for two -step verification.

Facebook MOD APK

Earn money

Not only YouTube, but you can also earn a lot of Facebook Mod Apk money. Yes, after a few years, the application team introduced the gain system. Using this gain system, to earn much more money from monetized pages. Of course, a page must need monetization. Provide unique content to obtain monetization. Some page requirements are necessary to monetize the page. Activity, range of the page and the user must need tastes for monetization. After monetizing activation, each downloaded video played with advertisements. Once your video has many peoples, your income has increased according to the announcements. Do not worry about receiving the money earned. Connect your bank account and fill out the required details. After a successful connection, you are now checked to receive money. The money earned each month was calculated and appears on the withdrawal section. Once you have reached the minimum money requirement, it will receive in your account.


Create a personal profile with your complete details. Facebook Mod Apk does not collect details of your profile. Some information is necessary to explore in the Profile section. For example, add your name, date of birth, relationship status, studied college and certain basic information. You can also define private and public options for all the information provided. Show the image, banner and name visible only for everyone. Otherwise, all information can be defined private. If you define private information, it will not appear to another person, including your friends. Fill in schools and colleges studied to your easier childhood friends by your school. When other users are looking for your name in the search bar, use a filter to choose the school. Your old friends are easier to identify your real identity document. Suppose the user defines the date of public birth, the application with you each year by video. Do not forget your friends either by notification.

Overall, we have covered all the detailed information on Facebook MOD APK. It is a large network of social media on all platforms. Connect people around the world and add as an older. Many interesting and exciting features are available in the application. Quickly create a personal account and activate it immediately now. Start a single page to cover the new audience and share every moment of your life. Hats off to all workers and developers to manage the vast database. From the original version, you can watch the videos with advertisements. Use our MOD version to watch all videos without watching ads. Download the latest MOD version from below the links of the available item.

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